Frequently asked questions

What is the purpose of the National Highways API Developer Portal?

This site provides access to the National Highways data services that share data on the strategic road network. Anyone can subscribe to the data services via the portal and gain access to the data.

What data can I access on the National Highways API Developer Portal?

National Highways is building a set of data service covering road and lane closures, roadside safety messages, speed restricted areas, diversion routes and limits and features of the strategic road network.

How do I sign-up to access the National Highways API Developer Portal?

- Click Register on the home page to follow the link to the sign-up page.
- Fill in your details to create an account, click sign-up and follow instructions in the activation email (and remember to check your junk/spam folder).
- Once activated, click sign-in and gain access to the data services available or click here and follow the instructions to subscribe.

I have not received an activation link in my inbox, what should I do?

Please check your spam and/or junk folders as emails are sometimes redirected there. If you still are unable to find the email please contact the Digital Lab Operations Team here.

There is a problem loading the API documentation when I try to open the portal, what should I do?

If the portal is behaving as you would expect, please contact the Digital Lab Operations Team here.

How can I delete my account?

This is a self service operations, please go to your profile to complete this activity. If you experience any issues, please reach out to the Digital Lab Operations Team here.

How do I report any issues or share feedback?

Please contact the Digital Lab Operations Team here to share the issue or feedback.

How will my data be used?

To understand how your data will be used please read through the privacy policy here.

What is the expiration policy for my subscription?

Your account will be deactivated if not used for 12 months

How can I use the data?

Please refer to the terms and conditions here for more detail.

What should I do if I am locked out of my account?

Please reset your password by clicking 'forgot your password?' on the sign in page. If you face further issues with your account please contact Digital Lab Operations Team here.

What do I do if I have forgotten my password?

Please reset your password by clicking 'forgot your password?' on the sign in page. If you face further issues with your account please contact Digital Lab Operations Team here.

How do I get involved with future developments?

To get involved in future developments with the data services please reach out to the Digital Lab Operations Team here and they will pass you on to the relevant team representative.

How are updates and outages communicated?

Updates to the Data Services, planned outages and any other communications will be via the portal and your registered email.

How do I subscribe and obtain a key for using an API?

- First, create an account and sign-in.
- Next, navigate to the Subscriptions page, accessible via the Data Services menu.
- To create a new subscription, input a useful name, select the APIs you wish to use and click on the Subscribe button, you will get an email confirming the subscription details.
- You can navigate to your Profile to see a list of subscriptions and the API keys for accessing the APIs, and from here regenerate your API keys as required

When attempting to make a call to an API the subscription key box automatically fills out with my account password rather than my unique API subscription key, what do I do?

If the subscription key box is automatically adding your account password rather than your unique API subscription key, please open a new window in your browser, clear your internet cache in the settings and refresh the developer portal page

What data does the road and lane closures data service provide?

At launch, the Road and Lane Closure Data service will provide planned closure data only, refreshed daily covering prior and upcoming 7 day period.

Unplanned Road & Lane Closure data will be released later, initially covering five of the seven National Highway regions, with the South and South-East regions unplanned data to be available not before Winter 2024.

Do you have any example requests?

We have made available a Postman collection that demonstrates the basic operations of the Road and Lane Closures service. This highlights various options for calling the API as well as an example for processing and visualizing the response on a map.

Do you have any example requests?

We have made available a Postman collection that demonstrates the basic operations of the Digital VMS service. This highlights various options for calling the API as well as an example for processing and visualizing the response on a map.